The Best High Schools in Key West

Key West is the oldest town and has the most recommendable high schools in Monroe, Florida. The schools are ranked top within Florida and are closer to many residential areas for easy access. Listed below are the best high schools in the Key West area in 2020/2021.

Coral Shores High School

The school’s total enrollment is roughly 730 students with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:17. Coral shores are ranked one out of six in FL Metro Area Rankings, 75 in Florida, and 1,426 in the national ranking.

Key West High School

The high school has approximately 1260 students, and the teacher-to-student ratio is 1:18. The school is ranked two out of six in FL Metro Area Rankings, at 163 in Florida and 2.943 nationally.

Marathon high School

Marathon school has an enrollment of approximately 376 students. The teacher to student ratio is 1:14. Marathon school ranks at position three in FL Metro Area Rankings, 182 In Florida, and 3262 nationally.

Key West Collegiate School

The total enrollment is 71 students from grades 9 to 12. They ranked at position four out of six in the FL Metro Area Rankings. In Florida schools, the school was positioned at 235 in Florida and 4,590 nationally.